Saturday, January 22, 2011

What am I doing?

I just lost seven words of production.  There's three more.  Another two.

You see what I mean?  Every word I type into this blog is one less that I can put into a story.  It's sapping away my time and my productivity and all into something that no one is every going to read.  This blog post is empty calories to a man on a diet, an idling engine to someone trying to conserve gas, an open window with the air conditioning running.

Then... why am I doing this?  Because sometimes that open window blows in fresh air, even if it's warmer.  Because sometimes your engine has to idle for a while so it runs more smoothly on the road.  Because sometimes that candy bar is exactly what you need to calm yourself down and enjoy the life you're prolonging with good health.

Okay, now I've lost the metaphor, and I've got cravings for Mr. Goodbar.

The point is, no matter what you write, you're not wasting your time.  Creativity is not a container that can run out, but a well that is deep and cool.  Even when it runs dry, rain can refill it.  And if the rain doesn't come, you can dig somewhere else.  And if that doesn't work, you can move somewhere more humid.

Dammit, I lost the metaphor again, and now I'm thirsty.

The point is, this blog is going to my chance to run the faucet long enough to get the brown water out, so I can start making pancakes with it.  Mmmm, pancakes.  Can you smell them?  Nice and fluffy and buttery.

What have we learned here today?  I'm going to get something to eat.  Then I'm going to start writing.

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